Makers! If you intend to sell product at the Aerialympics booth Sara is providing please do the following things:
By Sunday night (6/2) fill out this Google form to indicate you plan to sell things at this booth. This will get me your contact information so we can coordinate inventory and other important details!
Once I have your contact information I will send you a form to fill out to include inventory and expected prices of what you will be selling. I will try to help make sure prices are helpfully consistent and can provide recommendations if wanted.
You will be responsible for labeling your products with their prices. Please let me know if you need help with this!
We will coordinate manning the booth, receiving payment, tracking payment to and paying the makers, and marking items for each maker once I have contact information!
I will be your point of contact for coordinating this, so please reach out to me if you have questions for the student maker booth!